The effort to start a church in Downtown Cleveland began in 2006 and culminated in the first public worship service being held on April Fools’ Day, 2007, at Hilarities 4th Street Theatre. Despite the fun with the date, it was no joke but the beginning of a gospel movement in Northeast Ohio. Now more than 10 years on, by God’s help, we have become a vibrant fellowship centered around the vision to “love God, live in community, serve the city.”

Those are not three different visions or goals. The love of God is foundational (Mark 12:30). But we are convinced that a true love of God draws people into a new community built by God: Jesus’ church. Relationships are built on shared experiences and commonality, and there is nothing greater to hold in common than the love of God. It is the ultimate bond. (See 1 John 4:7-12).

Jesus calls his people into local expressions of his church. Compelled by God’s love, these local churches exist to reveal the love of God to the surrounding world (2 Corinthians 5:11-15), with each member doing his or her part to further that mission (Ephesians 4:11-17). Perhaps you’ll help us spread this vision of God’s love which moves people into a new, loving community and a newfound love of one's neighbors.