At Christmas, we tend to think about the beginnings of life, the newborn Christ child laying in a manager. But we dare not forget that Jesus was born with a mission, and a central part of that mission was to die.
Jesus Came to Fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17-20)
Jesus came to fulfill the Law. He told us during his ministry, "I have not come to abolish [the Law and the Prophets] but to fulfill them." But what did he mean, and why does it matter?
Jesus Came to Serve (Psalm 69)
As we continue to explore the reasons why Jesus came at his first advent, we look at the fact that Jesus, though God and King, came to serve.
Jesus Came to Call Sinners (Jonah 1:1-17a; 4:1-11)
Advent is a time to reflect on the coming of Jesus Christ in history as we await his return at the end of history. This year we explore several reasons why Jesus came. In the first message, we look at the fact that Jesus came to call sinners.
Soli Deo Gloria (Romans 11:33-36)
In the final message of our short series on the Reformation, Pastor Chris touches on Paul's doxology from Romans 11 to highlight that our salvation--and, in fact, everything--is ultimately for the glory of God alone. Unfortunately, technical difficulties prevented us from recording this sermon.
Solus Christus (Hebrews 9:11-28)
In our fourth Reformation sermon, we turn to Hebrews. There, the author makes it clear that Jesus is the priest who secures a sinner's redemption, the mediator who secures a sinner's inheritance, the sacrifice who saves sinners. So salvation is accomplished on the merits of Christ alone.
Sola Gratia (Romans 3:21-26)
The third of the five solas is inextraicably intertwined with the former. In Romans 3:21-26 we see that the revelation of God's righteousness, the ransom for God's righteousness, and the plan of God's righteousness point us to God's unfathomable, majestic grace.
Sola Fide (Romans 4:1-12)
As we continue in a series on the solas of the Reformation, we turn to Romans 4. There the Apostle Paul insists that faith--and only faith--is the mechanism by which we are made right with God.
Sola Scriptura (Psalm 19:7-11)
500 years ago, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther lit the fuse of what would become known as the Reformation. Underlying that movement were five bedrock principles that we dare not forget. Often misunderstood is the doctrine of sola scriptura. From Psalm 19, Pastor Chris teaches that scripture is entirely sufficient for life and righteousness for every Christian.
Intellectual Disillusionment (Ecclesiastes 2:15-26)
Elder Bryan Pummel takes us through some of the Bible's wisdom literature. In doing so, he shows how the meaningless pursuits of this world point to a meaningful fulfillment in Christ.